voice ● piano ● body ● percussion

Photo Meeri Koutaniemi
Photo Meeri Koutaniemi
Talvitie can be our next international folk/world music star. Kalervo Koskela / Finnish Folk Music Magazine
★★★★ Mistä mihin | Whereto - is a fascinating and puzzling album that you want to listen to and understand, but for some deep locks each of us just has to create our own keys. Quite a terrific debut album, with which Talvitie opens up many possible futures for herself. Mika Roth /


Vilma Talvitie, a Finnish singer-songwriter and ethno pop artist lights up the stages around the world with her audio visually staggering instrument PianoBodyPercussion – combining strong Finno-Ugric vocals, piano, body percussion, percussion and dance elements.


Vilma Talvitie is a Finnish folk/ethno pop artist, singer-songwriter and performing artist, based in Helsinki. She builds bridges between folk, world and pop music, singing about dark topics with a bright voice, influenced by Finno-Ugric singing traditions.

Vilma lights up the stages around the world as a one-woman-band, with her audio visual instrument PianoBodyPercussion - combining vocals, piano, body percussion, percussion, dance and drama elements.

Vilma mixes Nordic and European folk stories and traditional melodies with her own compositions. In her songs she catches the shame in her arms and digs skeletons out of the closet, fearlessly expressing even the darkest emotions through her music.

After graduating as the Master of Music from Sibelius Academy, the University of the Arts, Helsinki in 2018, Vilma has been performing in more than 30 countries in Europe, Asia and Southern America.

Vilma is currently on the promotional tour of her first solo studio album Mistä mihin | Whereto, released in October 2023. Previously Vilma has released three albums with her folk pop band Valma & Varsinaiset (2012, 2015 and 2018). 


The songs that are most authentically representing me, are Talven tiellä [On a wintery road] and Sormet irti [Fingers off of me]. As an artist, my main focus is on the strong live performance, and these songs work freaking well live. Here you can also hear my appeal for mixing Nordic trad. melodies and stories into my own compositions and lyrics. Vilma Talvitie

♦️ Talven tiellä, Festival Loupiote 2023, France 

My attention was focused on Talvitie's ability to describe the experience of her femininity and express her feelings in her music. Perhaps the most striking example was found in the song Sormet irti [Fingers off of me], which deals with sexual harassment and the experience of coming of age from the perspective of the objectified woman. Tuomas Grannas / Tumpin Musiikkiblogi

♦️ Sormet irti, album release concert, Cultural Centre Caisa, Finland

My most popular songs: Katsokaa kuinka katoan [See me disappear] is praised by the critics; and Helppoo ja ihanaa [Easy and wonderful] is my most listened song on Spotify with over 30000K streams, in which audience always sings along with me on my live shows. Vilma Talvitie
Katsokaa kuinka katoan [See me disappear] song was, and still is, a shockingly powerful song, both for its lyrics, music and all its different messages. Folk music and modern pop, which strongly utilises organic rhythms, may seem like a strange dancing couple on paper, but here the dance came out flawlessly. That single alone made me want to grab Talvitie's debut album. Mika Roth /

♦️ Official music video Katsokaa kuinka katoan, music & lyrics Vilma Talvitie 

♦️ Lyrical video: Helppoo ja ihanaa, music & lyrics Vilma Talvitie 


♦️ More promo photos in the press kit folder




♦️Fully booked Mistä mihin album release concert in Cultural Centre Caisa, Helsinki, on 21st October 2023
I could have listened to this concert right again after it finished. In Vilma Talvitie's album releases, piano, vocals, percussions, lyrics and theatrical expression conjure up an unique experience. Great one artist show!!!! Audience feedback

♦️ 12 album release concerts in seven countries – Finland, Germany, France, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Turkey. Watch the tour highlights>>

I was blown away by Vilma´s comprehensive way of taking over the space. Audience feedback

♦️ Best concert memory 

One of the most memorable moments of the tour happened in Loupiote Festival in France. It was outdoor stage, surrounded by the breathtaking nature of Southern France. As soon as it started raining and storming during my concert, the stage managers started building a tent around me, while I continued singing and playing my song about the storms of love. People danced under the rain, like it was their last nigth, I will never forget that. Vilma Talvitie


Album reviews in Ilkka Pohjalainen (West-Finnish newspaper),  (Finnish Online Music Magazine) and Kansanmusiikki (Finnish Folk Music Magazine), as well as articles in the magazines like Soundi (the biggest popular music magazine in Finland). 

Talvitie's songs are like flowing water, wild streams in the most wonderful forest landscapes and sometimes momentarily turning into a serene pond. Tradition and folk music are always present and yet everything sounds fresh, modern, timeless. ★★★★ Mika Roth /
An ambitious album bursts with global reflection, but longs for roots in the background. ★★★★ Ilkka Pohjalainen
Mistä mihin is a very ambitious album, where musical elegance and a sound world that required careful work meets, perhaps with a small contradiction, the words of existential sadness, brutality and occasional joy. Kalervo Koskela / Kansanmusiikki
I have seen Vilma Talvitie perform and I feel her task as a music maker is to be some kind of continuation of the tradition of crier women[...] The powerful presence of Talvitie´s performances captivates – she has developed a concept that combines piano, percussion and body percussion. Movement and the power of kinesthetics are present both on the studio album and live performances. Lotta Savolainen / Soundi


Mistä mihin album songs have been 

♦️ played on radios in Finland and abroad over 100 times

→ Radios in Finland: Radio Helsinki, Yö Radio Helsinki, Yle Radio Suomi, Yöradio, Päivä Radio, Yle 1 Ilta, Yle Areena Audio, Roll FM, Radio Soi;

→ Finnish radio broadcasting programs: Mielimaisema (radio journalist Riikka Holopainen), Levyraati (Tarja Närhi), Sydänjuurilla (Amanda Kauranne), Kissankehto (Susanna Vainiola), Tiskijorma (Jorma Hietamäki), Musiikkikeidas (Tuuli Saksala) and Uusi ääni (Lotta Savolainen)

→ Radios abroad: Finnradio (Spain), SR P2 (Sweden), Sveriges Radio Finska (Sweden), Randevu o Muzikom (Serbia), Folkanights Di Giovanni Alcaini (Italy), CeltCast (The Netherlands)

♦️ streamed on Spotify 

→ more than 80 000 times, and has more than 10 000K listeners from over 70 countries

→ placed on Spotify editorial lists like New Music Friday, Uuden suomalaisen musiikin lista [The List Of New Finnish Music] and Suomi-Indie tänään [Finnish Indie Today] 

♦️ showed on TV 

→ Inez Media, Official Music Video Katsokaa kuinka katoan 4/22

♦️ placed #2 on music chart

→ Xyouthgonewild (10/23), Mistä mihin album 10/23

♦️voted as the best song 

→ Suomen Indieyhteisö [Finland´ s Indie Community],  public vote, Helppoo ja ihanaa, 8/2023

→ Record Panel, Levyraati, Yle Radio, panel´´ s choice, Katsokaa kuinka katoan, 4/2022

♦️ on showcase 

→ Oulu music video festival 2022 (Finland), Official Music Video Katsokaa kuinka katoan



♦️10 MAY  – Pazin Folk CROATIA  

♦️13th MAY – Haus Lichtenstein, Tübingen GERMANY

♦️17 MAY – Bavul, Berlin GERMANY

♦️19 MAY – KulturBahnhof, Leisnig GERMANY

♦️21 MAY – Feinkost Lampe, Hannover GERMANY

♦️23 MAY – Die Finnische Seemannskirche, Hamburg GERMANY

♦️26 MAY – Arkikulta, Hyvinkää FINLAND


♦️04 JUNE – Tenho Restobar, Helsinki FINLAND 

♦️06 JUNE – Ö-talo, Riihimäki FINLAND 

♦️07 JUNE – Linnabar, Helsinki FINLAND 

♦️08 JUNE – Annikin runofestivaali, Tampere FINLAND 

♦️11 JUNE – Rikalanmäki, Salo FINLAND 

♦️12 JUNE – TBA, Turku FINLAND 

♦️13 JUNE – Telakka, Tampere FINLAND 


♦️4 JULY – Musiikkitalo Terrace, Helsinki FINLAND 

♦️12 & 13 – JULY Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, Kaustinen FINLAND 

♦️14 JULY – Ykspihlajan kulttuuriviikko, Kokkola FINLAND 

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